Restaurants in Hermosillo - $250

In Hermosillo you can find a lot of good restautants like Xochimilco, dogos, chiltepinos, percherones, taco real, la ruina, wings, comics, holly coe and tabu sushi.

We recomend you to go eat at chiltepinos!
Because they have delicious food. For example

  • Bonneless
  • Hamburguers
  • Wings
  • Beer
  • Quesadillas
  • Sandwich
  • Burritos
  • Bonneless salads
  • Soda
If you buy a hamburguer and drink a beer, you would spend $160 pesos and you will have $90 left.

Also you can go eat at KeDogos
They sell a many of types of dogos, really good dogos. For example:
  • Dogo sencillo
  • Dogo sencillo con papas
  • Dogo doble
  • dogo doble con papas
  • Dogo jumbo
  • Salchipapas
  • Sodas
  • Horchatas
  • Jamaica
If you buy a Dogo jumbo and drink an horchata, you would spend $65 pesos and you will have $185 left.

An finally, if you want something more traditional, you can eat a BURRO PERCHERON in:
  1. Ke Burros
  2. Burrotron
  3. Burrotote
The menu is:
  • Campechano
  • Sencillo
  • Italiano
  • Ligth
  • Sodas
  • Horchata
  • Jamaica
Sizes: Small, medium and large

You should buy a medium burro campechano and drink a jamaica. You would spend $95 pesos and you can order ir wrapped in bacon fot $15 pesos more. It would cost you $110 pesos and you will have $140 left.


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